
Main goal of the website: To present Exelliq Holding GmbH and its subsidiaries including all products and services.

For reasons of better readability, only the masculine form has been used when referring to persons and is deemed to be representative of both genders. We appreciate your understanding.

Media owner:
Exelliq Holding GmbH,
Friedrich-Schiedel-Straße 1,
4542 Nußbach, Austria
T +43 7587 504-0
F +43 +7587 7418
Email: office.atmail displayexelliqmail displaycom

Company purpose: Pursuit of the business of a holding company, especially the acquisition, the holding and the administration as well as the selling of shares in enterprises of any kind, especially those which are involved in the plastics and tooling industries, as well as the provision of management and other services of any kind for these enterprises.

VAT no.: ATU 45836207

Data Processing Register No: 1005472

Commercial Register: FN 176890 h

Commercial Court: Steyr Regional Court.

Registered Office: Friedrich-Schiedel-Straße 1, 4542 Nußbach, Austria.

Legal form: GmbH.

Managing Director: Gerold Schley, Herbert Landschützer.

Ownership Structure: Extrusion Technology Holding B.V., 100%.

Supervisory Authority: Steyr Regional Court, Linz Tax Office.

Affiliation of subsidiaries with registered office in Upper Austria under trade and professional law: Upper Austria Chamber of Commerce

Access to the applicable trade or professional regulations: see legal information system (

Delivery/programming: innpuls Werbeagentur GmbH

Member of the following associations


Exelliq Holding GmbH

Friedrich-Schiedel-Straße 1
4542 Nußbach

T +43 7587 504-0
F +43 7587 7418
office.atmail displayexelliqmail displaycom

VAT no. 45836207
FN 176890h
Steyr Regional Court
DVR 1005472
Registered Office:
Friedrich-Schiedel-Straße 1
4542 Nußbach


Bank details in EUR:

Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ
Europaplatz 1a
4020 Linz

Bank code: 34000
Account No: 266 2757
IBAN: AT79 3400 0000 0266 2757

Bank details in USD:

Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ
Europaplatz 1a
4020 Linz

Bank code: 34000
Account No: 701 0266 2757
IBAN: AT77 3400 0701 0266 2757

Exelliq Austria GmbH

Friedrich-Schiedel-Straße 1
4542 Nußbach

T +43 7587 504-0
F +43 7587 504-41631
office.atmail displayexelliqmail displaycom

VAT no. 62967347
FN 285487i
Steyr Regional Court
DVR 4015878
Registered Office:
Friedrich-Schiedel-Straße 1
4542 Nußbach


Bank details in EUR:

Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ
Europaplatz 1a
4020 Linz

Bank code: 34000
Account No: 99 002
IBAN: AT33 3400 0000 0009 9002

Bank details in USD:

Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ
Europaplatz 1a
4020 Linz

Bank code: 34000
Account No: 701 0009 9002
IBAN: AT31 3400 0701 0009 9002


Greinerstraße 18
4542 Nußbach

T +43 7587 504-0
F +43 7587 504-45904
officemail displaygpnmail displayat

VAT no. 62966311
FN 285484f
Steyr Regional Court
Registered Office:
Greinerstraße 18
4542 Nußbach

Bank details in EUR:

Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ
Europaplatz 1a
4020 Linz

Bank code: 34000
Account No: 266 2807
IBAN: AT87 3400 0000 0266 2807

Bank details in USD:

Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ
Europaplatz 1a
4020 Linz

Bank code: 34000
Account No: 701 0266 2807
IBAN: AT85 3400 0701 0266 2807

Terms of use regarding liability/guarantee/copyright

Exelliq regularly reviews and modifies the content of its website. Nevertheless, information or data may have lost their validity.

Accordingly, Exelliq provides no assurance and assumes no guarantee for the information provided on this website.

Where there are links to other websites , Exelliq assumes no liability and has no influence or responsibility for their content and design.

Exelliq rejects all liability for incorrect or missing information on its website and for any kind of damage arising in connection with the indirect or direct usage of the information provided on the website.

Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright for all documents provided on this website and for the materials used in these documents is held exclusively by Exelliq.

Downloading, printing and saving files located on this website is permitted for private use only; any other use requires the express consent of Exelliq.

ContactContact persons